Special Offering for Summer Youth Trip

Confirmation Camp and Summer Youth Trip Special Offering

Mother’s Day May 10th


We will be holding a Special Offering before the service begins on Mother’s Day May 10th. The Congregation commits to paying for a portion of the costs for our Confirmation students attending Confirmation Camp at Camp Emmaus in June. This year all 6 Confirmation students have signed up to attend Camp! This offering will help defray the costs of Camp. Any monies not needed for Confirmation will be used to help pay for the costs of the Summer Youth Trip in August. This year’s trip is a Midwest Adventure Mystery Trip. Youth will travel the Midwest based on clues given out each day. Clue #1 is included in this Cross Currents! Can you find any hints to our travels? If all of the Youth that have indicated an interest in going on the Mystery Trip go there will be 14 Youth! Our Youth are always very thankful of the support given to them by our congregation.
