Loving on the Next Generation

Cross has always been a familial church. We treasure our kids and youth, and many adult members grew up going here, with fond memories of Sunday school and youth activities. Today, we are a small church family with a small youth community that partners and connects with local sister churches like Our Redeemer Lutheran nearby for confirmation and national trips.

Pictured above, on the left you will see some of our kids dressed as the angels they are, all ready to perform in our annual Christmas pageant. In the center, you will see our confirmation youth and Pastor as they excitedly flew down to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, and on the right, our youth at the conference worshiping and having fun.

If you are a family with children or youth looking for a faith community to call home, we invite you to come check us out. Children are a blessing and we would be delighted to be part of your children’s faith journey!