What Is This?

Is this communication? I suppose on the one hand it is, at least to a certain extent.  I write something and people respond–some in writing, others with a verbal comment.  The fact that I appreciate the comments is not lost on me.  When someone responds to a blog I have posted, it lets me know … [Read more…]

One More Answer

One of Martin Luther’s most important contributions to the life of the Church is his understanding of Christian vocation.  A vocation, or “calling,” is what is given to each of us as children of God, “called” to follow Jesus Christ. Our vocations include work, personal relationships, civic involvement, our roles as citizens and members of … [Read more…]

More of My Answer: God’s Word

I honestly can’t remember exactly what else I said to the young waiter who asked me the question “Why are you a Lutheran?”  But I know I either said, or wish I’d said this: One of the other reasons I am a Lutheran is that the Lutheran understanding of God’s Word is the most biblical of … [Read more…]

Part of an Answer

In my June 11 blog entry, I wrote about “questions”.  Some people apparently appreciated that; more than one wondered about my answer to that particular question.  “Why are you a Lutheran?” the young waiter had asked me.  What I remember telling him is this. I’m a Lutheran because I believe our understanding of the Gospel is … [Read more…]


“You’re not preaching your father’s funeral sermon!” That was the reaction of a number of people when they asked about the service and I told them Amy was going to preach.  I’m not sure why there was that response, but I know why I didn’t preach and Amy did. She was my Dad’s pastor.  I … [Read more…]

Life Line Screening Information

Life Line Screening will be here on 7/23/2015 Please contact the Church Office for help with scheduling and information Many people do not know that stroke is a leading cause of death today, affecting over 750,000 people each year. Every 45 seconds in America, someone suffers a stroke and every 3 minutes, someone dies from … [Read more…]

Valley Fair Trip Details

Valley Fair Event Tuesday July 28th from 9:00 – 9:00 COST: $15 for the first 15 people signed up and $30 after that SIGN UP BY SUNDAY JULY 19th All 6th Graders and older are welcome to join us for this day of FUN! Bring your swimsuits and get ready to ride! Bring a lunch … [Read more…]

The Pope

The Pope actually thinks he is the Vicar of Christ! I have not read the latest encyclical issued by Pope Francis, but this is just one more indication that he is taking his office and his calling seriously–and more literally than some of his predecessors. I know that as do I, many Lutherans among others … [Read more…]