
I’ve just seen information from the Bible Camp our confirmation students have attended for the last 27 years apologizing for having to limit enrollment this summer because the director was not able to hire enough counselors.  The reality is the camps don’t pay enough to attract as many counselors as they need. Many of those … [Read more…]

Saints Baseball game – Sunday August 13th

Saints Baseball Game Join us for a game! Sunday August 13 at 5:00pm Meet at Church at 3:30 to carpool Tickets are $15 (25 available) Sign-up on the Youth bulletin board in the narthex or let Pastor Amy know by email: EVERYONE is invited to join us for an evening of baseball, hot dogs … [Read more…]

God’s Promise Intergenerational Event

God’s Promise Intergenerational Event Wednesday August 10th 4:00pm – 8:00pm Lake McCarrons Park Shelter – Roseville 4:00pm – Open Swimming 6:00pm – Hotdog Potluck 6:45 Bible Study – Pastor Bob We will provide hotdogs, buns, condiments and lemonade. Please bring a dish to share and your own eating utensils. Bring your own Bible for our … [Read more…]