I wonder if she knows what she is really doing?
Six of us spent time in Milwaukee last week on a Mission Trip chosen by our Board of Youth Ministry. We were with groups from others of our state, as well as from the Green Bay area, and Madison, SD.
The group with whom I served spent two days doing landscape work at Wil-O-Way Grant; and two days working with day care providers for children and adults at St. Ann North Center for Intergenerational Care.
In the afternoons we were with the adults, many of whom live with challenges and disabilities ranging from “not yet debilitating” to quite severe.
Miss Carolyn was in charge of the word games and BINGO. As I watched her work, I was impressed with the way she worked with and cared about the people she sees daily. Her commitment to her work and to each of them was very evident; as was the grace, concern, and humor with which she leavened our time with them on those two afternoons. It seemed that everyone had a nickname, which I took to be further evidence of her care and concern for those with whom she spends each day.
As I watched her work (and the other members of the staff working with her), I saw again what we talked about in our meetings and meal time conversations. That is, Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats and what it means to love and serve and care for God’s children who are in need.
“When did we see you hungry or naked or thirsty…and care for you in your need?” the sheep will ask the Lord of heaven and earth. “As you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
I wonder if Miss Carolyn knows how meaningful and important her work is, and the truth of who she is helping. And she was not the only one we saw doing in Milwaukee just what Jesus says.