Cross Lutheran Reopening: Safety Protocols |
We can now have people in church for worship at a limited capacity to allow for social distancing and to meet current regulations.
In-Person Worship Protocol at Cross Lutheran Church
- Doors will be open for worship at 9:15.
- Please wear your mask at all times in the building, except while taking communion.
- When you arrive, you will sanitize your hands and an usher will sign you in.
- Take a worship bulletin from the basket. If you need more, let the usher know. If you don’t want to keep your bulletin, recycle it at the end of worship.
- You will pick up communion elements from the table as you enter.
- If you have difficulty opening the communion elements, raise your hand and an usher will sanitize their hands before assisting you. After communion, throw away the package on your way out.
- Enter the worship space through the center doors.
- Find a pew with a “reserved for you” sign and sit in the area of the sign. Families may sit together, but social distance from other families or individuals.
- Restrooms on the main floor are open for one person or one family at a time. The Nursery will open for Parents who need it (please only one family at a time.)
- During worship respond quietly, or remain silent.
- Leave your offering in the marked basket when you arrive or leave.
- After worship, please carry on conversations outside while remaining socially distant.
- If you need a ride to church call the office, if you are able to give rides call the office to have your name put on the list to give rides.
- Thank you ahead of time for your cooperation and understanding as we move forward in our worship re-opening.
Cross Lutheran Reopening: Worship Plan
Prelude (Bells, Special Music or Chelsey)
Confession and Forgiveness
Prayer of the Day
Reading (The preaching text will be read by the lay minister, the other readings and psalm will be printed (chapter and verse) so people can read them at home
Music Interlude
Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
Post Communion Prayer
Hymn (2 verses) – We will wear our masks while singing
(The worship service will be shorter than our usual 60 minutes (35-40 minutes) to fit with MDH and CDC guidelines, we will only
sing during the Hymn at the end of the service.)