Return to In Person Worship

MAY 16th at 9:30am

May 1, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

First I would like to thank you for your patience and steadfast support during this incredibly difficult year. We are truly blessed to be part of such a loyal community.

Our reopening team and the Parish Planning Council have decided that it is time for us to worship together in the sanctuary again. This worship will not be exactly what we were used to, but it will be good to be back in our space together. As of our March survey 55% of the people who responded had received at least one dose of vaccine. We are confident that that number is now higher.

We will be reopening and having our first in-person service on Sunday, May 16th. This date is subject to change based on advice from the CDC, MDH and the Governor. We will go back to online only if that is the guidance.

We will also be welcoming our renters back to the building. They will be following the same guidelines as we will and there will be time in between services for cleaning. We are also in the process of purchasing an air purifier to run during and between services.

We hope you will consider joining us, but we understand that many may choose to remain at home. The services will continue to be posted online, but it will be the in-person service so you may see it a little later!

Please see the protocols and service outline by clicking on the box on the Home Page titled In Person Guidelines so that you know what to expect when you come back to church. Thank you again for your patience and prayers!

Yours in Christ,
Katie Erickson
Executive Director