Easter Drama

Ever wonder what happened after the stone was rolled away? Come and find out! “Beyond the Cross” Written and produced by our Diana Swanson with actors from our congregation! Sunday, May 1st, 9:30 Come to worship; stay for coffee and goodies; enjoy the play!

Holy Week Services

March 24th Maundy Thursday Worship Services at 10:30 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. March 25th Good Friday Tenebrae Service at 6:45 p.m. March 27th Easter Sunrise Worship at 7:00 a.m. Easter Festival Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Youth Annual Wreath Sales

Our Youth are selling Christmas Wreaths to support their 2016 Summer Youth Trip. Wreath Sales begin on October 11th. Either Balsam or Frasier Wreaths are available for $20. The Balsam are dark green and very fragrant and the Frasier are known for their dark green top with flashy silver beneath, long lasting needles when kept … [Read more…]

The Kindness of Strangers

I can’t remember if Cady said “the unexpected kindness of strangers” or “the undeserved kindness of strangers,” but either fits. The night she said that we were on a youth trip and were caught on the road during the approach of a tornado; and we pulled into the yard of a man we did not know at … [Read more…]

Life Line Screening Information

Life Line Screening will be here on 7/23/2015 Please contact the Church Office for help with scheduling and information Many people do not know that stroke is a leading cause of death today, affecting over 750,000 people each year. Every 45 seconds in America, someone suffers a stroke and every 3 minutes, someone dies from … [Read more…]

Valley Fair Trip Details

Valley Fair Event Tuesday July 28th from 9:00 – 9:00 COST: $15 for the first 15 people signed up and $30 after that SIGN UP BY SUNDAY JULY 19th All 6th Graders and older are welcome to join us for this day of FUN! Bring your swimsuits and get ready to ride! Bring a lunch … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Monthly Message – June

From Pastor Preuss… It’s been ten years since I announced one Sunday that “hell had frozen over;” and the reason I knew that was that there was for the first time that day a computer in my office! (I also remember showing empathy for Vikings fans because their team had still not won a Super … [Read more…]