Lent is the season where the church marks the time between Ash Wednesday’s solemn reminder that we are dust (and to dust shall return) and the joy of Resurrection Sunday. Forty days of reflection and searching, of gazing both inward and outward, of trying to come to grips not only with the reality of our own anxiety, uncertainty, and brokenness, but also with that of our neighbors and the world. A time to remember Christ’s long and difficult path to the cross, knowing full well that the story didn’t end there but in the triumph of the resurrection.

Join us Sundays at 9:30 at Cross for in-person worship, followed by adult forum in the common room.

Join us Wednesday evenings at 6:45 for Holden Evening Prayer.

Thursdays at 10 am for Lenten bible study.

Sunday and Wednesday worship is live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube.