Name of Jesus

New Year’s Day 2025 falls on the Eighth Day of Christmas (in the liturgical calendar), on which the Church also remembers the Name of Jesus. It’s a wonderful reminder that our identity as people of faith begins, is sustained, and ends in our identity as sisters and brothers of Christ and in Jesus, the Christ. … [Read more…]

This Advent…

When I was young, my parents always loaded up the car with luggage and presents, food and drink, kids and dogs for our annual Christmas trip to Cambridge, Nebraska, where my mother’s parents, George and Babe Scott lived. In the earlier years, we spent Christmas on the family farm ten miles or so north of … [Read more…]

Is the Neighbor Being Served?

“For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Galatians 5:14 I sense a great deal of anxiety about the upcoming national elections on Tuesday, November 5. Some of you have directly shared your concerns and fears with me; in other cases I have heard tension … [Read more…]

Changes and Affirmations

October is a an interesting month, isn’t it? Now that Summer has passed and Fall has arrived, so have the weeks of craziness that mark the transition from harried summer schedules to the more steady rhythm of October. Teachers, kids, grandkids and their parents are following the even cadence of the school week. Work schedules … [Read more…]

Other Voices, Other Rooms

This summer, I was asked to write an article on sermon preparation for, an online resource for working preachers from Luther Seminary. The request came in response to a workshop I, along with my Fleshpots of Egypt buddies Jeff and Steve, participated in at the request of our fearless leader, Rolf Jacobson, during the … [Read more…]

Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler.

Let the Good Times Roll. As I count the days before attending the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans with our confirmation youth — Amelia, Henry, and Kirby — I am excited and hopeful.  As I look back on my own faith formation, experiences such as the Gathering resonate strongly and deeply. My little … [Read more…]

Broods of Locusts and Other Summer Fun.

I just returned from a quick trip to Missouri for the wedding of a niece. Besides the joy catching up with family and old friends, meeting a new great-grand nephew, and officiating a wonderful wedding, I was able to once again hear the buzzy trill of cicadas as they emerge from their burrows in the … [Read more…]

Three Days.

During Holy Week, Christians around the world gather to remember, reflect on, and rejoice in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. These three days — Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday — have been commonly called the Triduum (“three days” in Latin). This practice extends back to the 4th century and … [Read more…]

2023 Advent/Christmas Schedule

First Sunday in Advent – December 3, 9:30 am Advent Wednesday Evening Prayer – December 6, 4:00 and 6:00 pm Second Sunday in Advent – December 10, 9:30 am Advent Wednesday Evening Prayer – December 13, 4:00 and 6:00 pm Third Sunday in Advent – Cross Christmas Pageant & Worship – Sunday December 17, 9:30 am. … [Read more…]

Words About Wisdom

August 2023 During the past few weeks, I’ve spent a fair amount of energy thinking about “wisdom.” That makes sense, of course, because the primary preaching focus this past two weeks, and the next two, is on biblical wisdom literature. One of the things that has struck me is how both Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are … [Read more…]