“For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Galatians 5:14
I sense a great deal of anxiety about the upcoming national elections on Tuesday, November 5. Some of you have directly shared your concerns and fears with me; in other cases I have heard tension and uncertainty creep out of conversations during coffee on Sunday mornings, in a circle around a campfire, in board and committee meetings, and in snippets of conversation overheard here and there.
Now there are those who say that religion has no place in American government. I agree. I shudder to think what this country would be this country was governed by certain pernicious and particular understandings of who God is and how God works. Especially if that ‘god’ is vengeful and hateful.
On the other hand, I think that as Christians we are called to live a life worthy of our calling — and that is as children of God, claimed by the Holy Spirit and marked by the Cross of Christ forever. Furthermore, I believe that Christ was clear on what it means to be children of God: love God and love your neighbor as ourselves. And that, more than anything, should guide the way we move, and act, and participate in this world, this country, and this state.
Religion might not have a part in the American process of governing, but faith has a central role in how Lutheran Christians participate in community with others. And there might not be a more important practice to how we live together than in how we vote in these upcoming elections.
The image at the beginning of this message comes from the Minnesota chapter of ELCA Advocacy. I think it asks a most important question for all of us as we head to the polls:
Is the neighbor being served?
How do the actions, views, rhetoric of any one candidate, any particular issue, any particular law under consideration serve not only ourselves, but the neighbor? In asking yourself that question at the ballot box, I hope you will be one step closer to following Christ’s admonition to love God and love neighbor. They are not exclusive actions, after all. To love God is to love neighbor. As we love our neighbor (any and all neighbors) we love God. And if that is the criteria by which guides our vote, we will help create a trustworthy, hopeful, God-blessed life for all. .
Pastor Scott