An Eye for an Eye…A Life for a Life

“An eye for an eye…” is biblical and is meant as a limit for the revenge that might be sought, when those words are included in what God delivers to Moses on Mount Sinai.  In Exodus 21, the verse actually begins “If any harm follows, then you shall give a life for a life…”  The same thinking … [Read more…]

Easter Drama

Ever wonder what happened after the stone was rolled away? Come and find out! “Beyond the Cross” Written and produced by our Diana Swanson with actors from our congregation! Sunday, May 1st, 9:30 Come to worship; stay for coffee and goodies; enjoy the play!

A Visit to the Cemetery

Last Wednesday was the first time I’d been to the cemetery since my Dad’s funeral.  The grave he and Mom share is now marked with a stone engraved on both sides–one for him (Robert Herman Preuss  Tech 4  WWII “Devoted Husband and Father”) and the other for her (Jean E. Preuss “Beautiful Wife and Mother”). … [Read more…]

My Dad Would Have Been 91

Today would have been my Dad’s 91st birthday. I don’t know that I miss him any more today than I did yesterday, or will tomorrow.  In some ways I was missing him more and more in the months before he died as his dementia grew worse, and his mind, experiences, and wisdom were increasingly diminished. … [Read more…]

Holy Week Services

March 24th Maundy Thursday Worship Services at 10:30 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. March 25th Good Friday Tenebrae Service at 6:45 p.m. March 27th Easter Sunrise Worship at 7:00 a.m. Easter Festival Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Why I’ve Stayed

After our Annual Meeting of the Congregation, I’ve been thinking about why I’ve stayed as the Pastor of Cross Lutheran Church for more than 26 years. The short answer is I’ve stayed because no one has asked me to go elsewhere.  That is to say the congregation seems to be satisfied enough with my ministry … [Read more…]

Football Rather than Basketball?

Basketball is my favorite sport.  I started playing when I was 10, and stayed on the court through high school, college, and seminary.  I even played with the church team my first year or two after ordination.  I coached my daughter’s teams for 8 years, and I’m still refereeing 50-60 games a year.  I love … [Read more…]

The Gift of Showing Up

They showed up! Rarely in my 36 years of ministry have I been moved as I was by their appearance.  I’d been wondering why I hadn’t seen them for quite some time; wondering if I or someone else had done or said something to hurt them or to turn them away.  So I wrote and asked … [Read more…]


What is Christmas supposed to be? My Dad spent more than three years in North Africa and Italy during World War II and never made it “home” for Christmas.  My mentor Rolf Hanson used to talk about spending one Christmas on his LST in a typhoon in the Pacific.  My good friend Jake Ryder spent … [Read more…]

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow before we eat, my wife will ask us each to identify someone or something for which we are thankful.  I’m thinking of my “Top Ten:” My wife Michele, who proves her love for me and her commitment to our life together daily.  What a great gift it is for her to “be there” for me, … [Read more…]